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Summer BBQ Pasta Salad


Friends, meet your new favourite BBQ side dish! On that note, what BBQ is complete without pasta salad? .....and this fresh zesty salad has been a crowd pleaser for every BBQ I have attended this summer. Safely and socially distanced of course! You'll love this recipe because its quick, easy to pull together, and so so flavourful! Bonus points? It tastes better and better each passing day, so it's leftover friendly. If you have leftovers that is!

This is not just a BBQ salad though! I often make random versions of this for lunch. Ultimately, I use the same two ingredients for my dressing - The world's best olive oil and lemon pepper seasoning. This pulls it all together perfectly.


Half a box pasta of your choice, cooked (I like to use rigatoni, especially the tri-colour ones)

Half a head of broccoli, cut up into small pieces

Half a small/medium red onion, sliced

Half a red bell pepper, sliced

One cup of arugula, or you can use baby spinach

0.5 cup of cheese, diced (I used marble cheddar but I alternate with feta)

5-6 picked jalapeno, diced

10 green olives, sliced (I used a mixture of pimento stuffed and garlic stuffed olives)

2-3 tsp of lemon pepper seasoning

5 tbsp of Oliveira da Serra Gourmet olive oil (something I picked up during my last trip to Portugal, THEEEE best)

5 leaves of basil, sliced


An hour before having the salad

1) Add all your ingredients into a bowl

2) Toss

3) Enjoy!





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